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Before You Book, Find Helpful Travel Advice Here

Travel is one of those rare human endeavors that can be either recreational or obligatory. Sometimes you want to travel and sometimes you have to. Whatever compels you to hit the road, the sea, or the sky, you can have a better travel experience if you educate yourself on the smart ways to travel.

Scout out coupons and deals. Before you set off for your destination, do a thorough Internet search for attraction and restaurant discounts. A month or two before you leave, sign up for a local deals flash site for your destination to score some great discounts. You can also look into purchasing a coupon book for your destination. Browse the coupons it contains and determine if the cost of the book will be more than made back in the money you’ll save.

Remember to pack liquids in plastic bags. Packing liquids in your luggage can lead to disaster. No one wants to open their luggage and find it filled with spilled shampoo and mouthwash. To prevent such a calamity entirely, remember to pack all liquids in ziplock bags. Make sure to seal the bags properly.

One way to deal with the tedium of being away from your family due to work-related travel is to take advantage of the time for yourself. Typically, meetings end at 5 and you’ll have until the next morning. Take the world’s longest bath, and use up all the toiletries. Watch three movies in a row. Write those couple of actual snail-mail letters you always said you would, but haven’t had time. Knit a hat. Read a book. In short, do all the nice things for yourself that you wouldn’t take the time to do if you were surrounded by your family. You’ll feel better knowing you took the time, and you’ll be that much happier and more relaxed when you see your family again.

If you have questions about the hotel, the best time to call is around midnight. The people working the desk most likely aren’t busy and will be able to give you their full attention. If you call during the day, most likely they’ve got people there in person and others calling on the phone to distract them.

If you’re going to use the safe in the hotel, it’s recommended that you wipe off the keys before use. And once it’s locked, press all the keys. Some hotel staff have been putting a powder on the keys that when a light is shined on them it lights up which ones you’ve pressed and they’re able to take things out of the safe.

A general mistake that many travelers make on vacation is doing too much. Vacations are about relaxing and getting away from the rush of the everyday world. Planning events that encompass most hours of the day will leave you feeling rushed, stressed and tired while on your trip. Stop and relax for a couple of hours everyday to decompress.

If you and a group of family or friends are traveling by car, bring a walkie talkie wherever you go. Cell phones need to have a cell tower in order to work properly. Walkie talkies only need each other, making them more beneficial than the phones when you are traveling in rural areas that might not have cell phone coverage.

Get a jump on ridding yourself of jet lag. Plan activities that will have you outdoors for your first couple of days while abroad. When you are outside being active the exercise, fresh air and plenty of sunlight (if available) will do wonders for defeating the lethargy of jet lag. Taking a quick power nap upon arrival to the hotel can help as well.

A beautiful place that you should add to your trip to France is the Mont St. Michel. It is a very beautiful site, a “must-see” in France. Try to see if you can get an overnight stay to truly experience it’s beauty during the evening hours.

After getting settled in your hotel room, look for fire exits. This may seem trivial, but it can save your life. By knowing where the fire exits are – if the fire alarm goes off – you know which direction to leave. Also, try not to forget your hotel key or card in the event of a fire evacuation.

A great travel tip is to not venture too far off of the beaten path. This is especially important if you’re traveling overseas. It’s always best to stick to known locations and to not try and explore too much because you might end up being a victim of crime.

Some people love to travel, regardless of their motivation. Others endure traveling at best. The difference between the two is not just a matter of temperament, though. When you take in smart travel advice like that found here, you can shift yourself towards being the former sort of person instead of the latter.

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